Fire Pit Zone


Meet Jason Hahn, retired teacher turned fire pit expert!


Hey! I’m thrilled to welcome you to my little corner of the internet. If you are checking out this page then you probably want to learn a little bit more about me and why I am running this site about fire pits. 

So let me start with the basics. 

I’m a retired teacher, track coach, and husband of 45 years and also blessed to be a dorky father of three beautiful daughters and a proud grandpa. We live in the greater Chicagoland area and love to spend as much of our time outdoors doing gardening, hiking, swimming, and anything else we can find. 

One of my absolute favorite things to do as a family is spending the evening outside in our back yard enjoying dinner and relaxing around the fire pit. 

There’s something about that time to me that is really special and I never want it to end!

And of course there’s s’mores to eat as well!

Jason Hahn_Fire Pit Expert


We’ve had our custom made fire pit for almost 25 years now and it’s basically part of our family. However I have witnessed family and friends purchasing the wrong type of fire pit and ending up with a rusted out shell in a very short period of time. That’s why I hatched the idea of setting up a website with useful information around purchasing the correct fire pit. I love the idea of sharing my thoughts on what would be the best fire pit for you and your family to invest in.

As our truly limited resource is time, if I can help you find the perfect fire pit faster so you can enjoy your moments with family outside sooner rather than later then I couldn’t be happier!


Not to mention while reviewing all the amazing new fire pits out there, I have no doubt I’ll have even more different types of fire pits in our yard this summer to enjoy.


Thanks for stopping by!

Jason Hahn

P.s If you want to know about your local fire pit laws I found this wonderful website – Fire Pit Laws


Jason Hahn

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